After doubling the size of its premises in Bretagne (1,500 m2 added in October 2019), Claranet, an expert in cloud services and the outsourcing of critical applications, is transforming its Rennes site into a flagship for France.
The European player has chosen to move its head office, which was previously located in Paris, to this new location, as well as a space to receive its national and international clients.
Historically based in Rennes Métropole since 2005, the company, which has a turnover of more than €500m at group level, including €120m in France, supports more than 6,500 clients internationally (Adagio Aparthotel, AFM-Téléthon, Airbus, Condé Nast, Nexity, Veolia, etc.).
From 25 employees in the region in 2005 to over 250 today, the company has grown exponentially in 16 years. It is now consolidating its base in Bretagne to benefit from its dynamic and attractive digital ecosystem in order to boost its growth ambitions and recruitment objectives.
Source : Claranet