Based in Cesson-Sévigné near Rennes, HOPPEN is making its technological expertise available to all health institutions to support them in their digital transformation. Its solutions improve patient services and comfort, facilitate their care paths, optimise internal processes and simplify the management and everyday life of the staff.  HOPPEN’s offer focuses on three areas: connected room,  outpatient path and patient experience.


Innovative digital solutions for hospitals


In its early days, HOPPEN focused on patient entertainment but quickly realised that hospital staff also had needs that the company could meet. The first solution launched by HOPPEN, which remains its flagship product, is its MediaScreen multimedia screen.

Patients can watch all the TV or web channels, listen to the radio and access many gaming applications, media and social networks. They can also use MediaScreen to stay in touch and communicate with loved ones, as well as access therapeutic education content. For people who are uncomfortable with touch screens or with disabilities, the company has developed accessibility solutions whereby patients can control the screen with their face or breath. Patients can also use MediaScreen to report an incident or malfunction in their room: failed light bulb, problem with the thermostat, etc. The relevant department is therefore advised immediately and can carry out the repairs without disturbing the health care staff.

Entertainment for patients can play an important role in the treatment and recovery process, especially for depression. They may include:
Creative activities such as drawing, music, or needlework.
Physical exercises adapted to the patient’s capabilities, such as yoga or light gymnastics.
Games and puzzles that stimulate thinking and concentration.
Reading books or listening to audiobooks.
Medication for depression usually includes antidepressants, which help to correct the chemical balance in the brain. There are various classes of antidepressants, such as:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for example, fluoxetine or generic zoloft.
Serotonin-norepinephrine re-inhibitors (SNRIs), such as venlafaxine or duloxetine.
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), for example, amitriptyline or nortriptyline.
Treatment should be individualized and carried out under strict medical supervision, as antidepressants have various side effects and may interact with other medications.

In terms of hospital staff, every person involved (nurse, doctor, service engineer, etc.) has a badge giving them secure professional access to the MediaScreen business applications. They can thus capture directly on the screen the activities or care given: patient care, dressing, repair of a water leak, biocleaning of the room, ordering meals, etc. This avoids entering the data several times over and doubles attendance times with patients for improved care.

HOPPEN offers a wide range of solutions and services to facilitate the entire patient path before, during and after hospitalisation. These include the WelcomeScreen orientation terminal to optimise patient reception and the SmartBed connected bed for patient safety and comfort. The SME has also developed AmbuTrack, a patient flow management and optimisation solution for outpatient paths. AmbuTrack uses patient geolocation to monitor and act in real time on the progress of the path and therefore regulate the flows better.  HOPPEN has also developed MyPatient Care, an application that manages all stages of its patient path: administrative, medical, services, bill payment, etc. whilst proposing management tools to hospital staff who need to communicate with patients.


Strong market potential


Until now, private hospitals accounted for 60% of HOPPEN’s clientèle. The company has also expanded internationally thanks to the private sector. The company generates 20% of its turnover internationally, especially in European countries with similar operation to France, such as Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, but also Middle Eastern countries looking for state-of-the-art equipment and services. A hospital in Dubai signed in three days, whereas it takes more than a year in France.

And now, the recent acquisition of Télécom Services will give a boost to the HOPPEN presence in the public sector also.

HOPPEN is also targeting the Regional Hospitals which combine several structures with mixed practices, organisational models and information systems. The goal is to harmonise and simplify processes by improving the hospital’s organisational performance and extending patient monitoring until they return home, in conjunction with professionals. All the services offered by HOPPEN address these issues.

The company is now targeting the Ehpad (assisted living establishments), notably through the Silver Connect project, with which Famileo (Saint-Malo) and INSA Rennes are associated. Labelled by the Images & Réseaux cluster, this project aims to improve access to care in the Ehpad. It involves developing a connected tablet for detecting falls, tracking the care and the various interventions by the staff, but also facilitating the link with the family.


Strategic acquisition to create the market leader


In November, HOPPEN completed a financial transaction of €32M and announced the acquisition of Télécom Services, the leading French operation of digital and TV services in public hospitals with a wide range of multimedia services and solutions for the comfort of users and the quality of life at work for hospital staff. The perfect complementarity of services, employees and the market approach of both structures gives HOPPEN a chance to enter the private sector as well as public. The aim of this strategic merger is to create the leading company in digitisation of health establishments. The Télécom Services assets represent a tremendous growth accelerator for the  HOPPEN Group. Together,  the two companies will form a group with a critical size and unique products in the marketplace.