Key facts

Source : Bretagne Ocean Power

150 companies

3 test sites

32 research laboratories

40 hectares set aside for MRE in the Port of Brest

What Bretagne brings you

Huge energy potential

With the longest coastline in France at 2,730 km, powerful currents, regular winds and the highest tides in Europe, Bretagne has exceptional potential for testing, experimenting and using different sources of marine energy.

Test sites

You can use 3 offshore test sites, equipped to accommodate the main marine energy technologies, to test machinery or reduced-scale applications of tidal, wind and wave technologies. The Paimpol Bréhat test site is a full-scale test site for oceanic tidal technologies.  

Rich ecosystem

With a long history of expertise in ship and pleasure boat building, Bretagne has a breeding ground covering all the skills involved in the MRE value chain : studies, services and support, manufacturing, installation and logistics, operation and maintenance, ranging from composite materials to mechanics via smartgrids.

Strong community

Producing less than 15% of the electricity it consumes, Bretagne is seeking become more self-reliant in energy. It is relying on the development of a specific MRE industrial sector with the aim of achieving international influence. Thus, Bretagne Ocean Power brings together all players (research, training, hubs and clusters, companies) to speed up the industrial development of the sector and to promote it internationally.

Innovation dynamics

Bretagne Ocean Power, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, Bretagne Pôle Naval and France Energies Marines support companies in their innovative projects and industrial development : identifying innovations to improve their technical and economic performance, upgrading the production tool and seeking financing. They encourage collaborative projects.

Proximity of MRE fields in France

Bretagne is immediately next to 7 French wind farms that are either under construction or scheduled, i.e. a market of 4.5 GW. Other farms, mainly involving floating wind turbines, will be built later on, as planned in the Multiannual Energy Programme.

  • Wind farm in the Bay of Saint Brieuc : 62 wind turbines with a total capacity of 496 MW, scheduled for commissioning in 2023.
  • Floating wind farm off Belle-Ile : 20 wind turbines for a total power of 250 MW, scheduled to be commissioned in 2030.

Port services specific to MRE

The port of Brest et le port of Lorient are equipped and laid out to accommodate marine energy projects. They are a strategic asset in serving the various MRE sites in France.

Our talents :
Training, research, innovation

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