Key facts
Source : Biotech Santé Bretagne
Our talents :
Training, research, innovation
- Every year, Bretagne welcomes more than 9,000 digital and ICT students (including 1,500 graduates) in its major engineering colleges. The University Hospital of Rennes, the University Hospital of Brest, the faculties of medicine, ontology, pharmaceutical and biological sciences as well as the 15 or so Institutes of Nursing Training (IFSI) train high-level qualified health professionals.
- Inria, IRISA, Lab-STICC (CNRS), LaTIM (medical information processing laboratory) and LTSI (Image and Signal Processing Laboratory) are major research players in digital sciences and technologies applied to health.
- Support for innovation companies:
- Support for innovation and collaborative research and innovation projects : Images & Réseaux, b<>com, Biotech Santé Bretagne, W.INN (innovation center of University Hospital of Brest)
- Technological platforms and technology transfer: Biogenouest network, Ouest Valorisation, various imaging platforms.
- Research resources available to companies: CIC-IT de Rennes (Clinical Investigation – Technological Innovation Centre), TECH SAN (Hospital-university federation for innovative health technologies).
- The CoWork’Hit center for innovation, expertise and resources supports healthcare players in disability-related innovation, focusing on strategic areas such as technological assistance (home automation, digital assistants), accessibility, handisport and digital manufacturing.
- The e-health expertise and resources centre Catel stimulates innovation in the e-health ecosystem by bringing all the players together: national bodies, professionals on the ground, research, professional organisations, companies and patients.
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