Bretagne in figures
an innovative region for companies
Our competitiveness hubs and dynamic clusters can interact seamlessly with your ecosystem. Experts in the technological aspects of their sector, they bring together companies, research laboratories and training facilities, and encourage R&D collaborative projects.
They help companies to be innovative and competitive and to expand their network locally and internationally.
- Biotech Santé Bretagne (biotech, health)
- Bretagne Aerospace (aeronautics, space, defence)
- Bretagne Ocean Power (renewable marine energies)
- Bretagne Pôle Naval (naval, renewable marine energies, oil and gas)
- ID4Mobility (vehicles, mobility)
- Images & Réseaux (digital innovation)
- Photonics Bretagne (photonics, optics)
- Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (cybersecurity)
- Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (maritime economy)
- Valorial (agri-food innovation)
- …
The 7 Technopoles Bretagne, the French Tech network and Bretagne Développement Innovation support innovation through local measures and encourage the reception, establishment and development of companies, particularly start-ups.
Plug in labs Ouest is a tool listing all the laboratories and technological platforms in all fields of research in Bretagne.
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